Darren Gough clocked up a host of injuries to keep the shows physio team busy in Innsbruck, with ankle, knee and shoulder injuries to name but a few. He worked hard and pushed himself, often resulting in falls, trips and slips.
Winter sports in general can be dangerous, though it is the extreme element and adrenaline rush which attracts millions to the slopes each year knowing that sports injuries are something that might happen without it getting in the way.
Here are some of the injuries which Darren endured during his time on the show.
Hip Problems
Repeatedly falls on the ice can cause damage to the hip, resulting in bruising and inflammation which can hinder you mobility. Continued damage and injuries to the knee joint can work against you in the long run, potentially increasing the risk of degenerative conditions such as Osteoarthritis of the knee which can even lead to a knee replacement being required in the future.
Cracked Ribs
In the majority of cases a cracked rib should repair given an appropriate amount of rest though it is important to protect the chest following such an injury to avoid further damage being caused as in exceptional circumstances it can lead to serious lung problems. It can take up to six weeks for the bone to heal and it can be quite painful to breathe during this time, though painkillers can be taken to help during recovery.
Bruised Shoulder
From the excessive number of falls and crashes experienced on the slopes and in the skeleton it is no wonder why Darren Gough has a bruised shoulder. Continued impact to the shoulder region can cause bruising which in turn will affect your mobility and even stop you from raising your arm above your head.
Ice is a great way of helping to manage inflammation and soothing the pain, though a shoulder support works by applying continued compression to the affected area to help manage inflammation which can help to enhance mobility of the shoulder.
There are varying types of shoulder support products available depending on the specific condition you wish to manage, whether offering compression or immobilisation of the joint. Following impact damage where rest is required an immobilisation brace with protect the joint from unnecessary movement. Any injury to the ligaments of a joint can impact on its stability, making it difficult to apply weight on the joint, therefore a support can be worn using straps which act as external ligaments, thereby giving you the extra stability you require to remain mobile.
Final Thoughts
The majority of sports injuries are self-limiting conditions in that you should expect to recover following a few days of rest. The RICE principle can be adopted in most cases, with rest, ice, compression and elevation of the injured area. Whilst res is the best form of treatment for the majority of sports injuries
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